May 4, 2012

Bring on the ice cream, but hold the pickles

Apologies for my long absence. In my defense, I do have a good reason. As many of you may know by now...I'm pregnant! As of this week I am 11 weeks along. While this is a lovely thing to have happened, it has done a number on my relationship with food. Things I once loved I can't even look at and foods I haven't thought about in ages suddenly seem like the best thing ever - Taco Bell bean burritos for example...  

And cooking? Ha. Brian has been a trooper, but I'm afraid he may be starving in silence...For some reason, nearly everything in my fridge and cabinets is about as appealing as eating old shoes. It is also futile to go to the grocery store or plan any meals beyond the next 10 minutes. 

So perhaps you can understand why I have been uninspired to post. The good news is it seems to slowly be getting better. The queasiness is subsiding though what sounds good is still totally unpredictable. On the bright side, perhaps I will be struck with creative genius as cravings come along and the ability to stand in my kitchen for more than 5 minutes returns. Though I promise, no recipes for pickles and ice cream. 

That's just gross. 

Pickles and peanut butter in the other hand...
