Mar 12, 2012


1. Sometimes I clean the house to 90's rap music. There's nothing like a little Gangsta's Paradise to get you in the mood to scrub the kitchen sink.

2. I love pickle and peanut butter sandwiches. Don't judge; they're awesome. However, not just any pickle will do. They absolutely must be dill and very crunchy. This is a great choice.

3. During training for my first half marathon, one of my toenails fell off. I am not allowed to mention this around Brian. Ever.

4. I can never remember how to spell the word necessary. I got lucky this time.

5. When I was young, I thought it was such a waste of space to have a pool on a cruise ship. You know, with the ocean right there and all.

6. Ok, so this is not technically my confession, but you must know. My husband does a mean The Real Slim Shady on karaoke.

7. And for the grand finale, I have had a big crush on Tom Selleck since I was three. Yes, that's right, three. Bet you can't guess which Friends episodes were my favorite.


(You can stop rolling your eyes now, Brian.) 

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