Feb 28, 2013

The First 3

I cannot believe my little guy is already three months old. Here are some reflections on/things I've learned in the past three exciting, sweet, and exhausting months.

1. The Baby K-tan wrap is the best thing I own. It's like the Moby, but one does not need an engineering degree to use it.

2. Baby coats and jackets are adorable but basically useless thanks to not being able to use them in a car seat. Unless of course you make a habit of taking walks outside in the cold. Which I do not.

3. Brestfriend pillow is better than the Boppy. However, both of them are only helpful in the first few weeks. 

4. I've never seen so many blankets in my life. 

5. On the subject of blankets, receiving blankets are also basically useless. 

6. My advice is to scratch the receiving blankets and go with the Swaddleme blankets with the Velcro. At least for those of us that don't have mad bible times swaddling skillz. 

7. I should have Terminator arms by now. 

8. The NoseFrida is a way less scary snot-sucker than those silly hospital things. And no, there is really no possible way you can suck snot into your mouth. Promise.

9. I'm not sure what babies have against their mothers eating. They almost always wake-up and/or start crying the minute you sit down to a meal. This seems a bit counter productive for them. I try to explain this, but he's not buying it.

10. It is surprising what one can do with one hand. 

11. A sleeping baby in the house is like walking through land mines. You are always terrified of setting one off. 

12. Your only goals for the day should be to wash and feed yourself. Anything above that and I feel like super-mom. 

13. I have a new found respect for dairy cows.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes! Thank you : ) It's kinda funny to watch his face when I use it, lol. He always looks a bit shocked when I start sucking.

  2. Cole hates nose-plumbing more than anything else, even shots, but the process with the sucker is way faster and more successful than with the bulb.

  3. We used the receiving blankets a lot in the first few weeks, but both of mine were born in August and both hated swaddling. But I've heard they make great cloth diapers as flats and you can do all sorts of things with the flannel (I was going to make nursing pads, but with a 2 year old and newborn...ha!)
    Oh, and I got a Moby wrap but was too intimidated to try it! My sister gave me a ring sling which was great for the first few months, but now I can't live without my Boba!

    1. Yeah, I suppose time of year could certainly play a role in what's useful. I chickened out on the cloth diapers but that would have been a good idea! Right now I'm using the receiving blankets for the cats, lol. Helps keep the hair off my furniture if they'll lay on them!
