Dec 10, 2011

Getting tribal, playing with ham, and other pearls of wisdom

Finally, this semester is OVER! I have about one lovely month to look forward to free of students, planning, and grading. Honestly, that is the best Christmas present ever. (Ahem, that is not to say that I would not appreciate say, a spa package?...) The passing of another semester means that is time for everyone's favorite, deep thoughts from the students at the ELI. 
Well, at least they're honest...
Three specifications that a lot of men want in a wife are respect, ethics, and money.

Perhaps Yoda was a guest lecturer this year. 
 Also, give spies the poles and car fire to go help people maybe you are let die. Before you must be don’t quick drive tailgating

Well I'm glad we cleared that up.                                                                            People do not get responsible by a curtain age; it is not like growing a mustache.
Because who better to take care of your grandmother than the guy who robbed your house?                                                                                                                        If criminals get a job to take care older people or orphans, it can help society and take mind off crimes, also criminals volunteer for people, they learn about love between people.
I don't know about you, but I just can't live in a society where criminals lose their confidence.                                                                                                       However, there are also disadvantages that criminals feel bad and can lose their confidence. For example, criminals want to go public restroom, but they always to go there with the officer, so they feel uncomfortable and they feel shame.
Something you never hear on House Hunters:                                                          Thus, the lactation of the city is an important reason for moving to another city.
You hunters and your egos.                                                                                      Some hunters like to show off to make people think they are smart, and strong.
No wonder I can never convince people to be vegetarian.                          Furthermore, some hunters are thing the meat from the animals or the birds have powerful for the sex, mind, bone, and muscle such as turkey’s meat has much protein.
I'm really going to have put Frazier on a budget...                                                     The price of meat is expensive compared to vegetables because animals spend more money than vegetables.
Hmm. Perhaps our students could learn a thing or two from Sesame Street about safety.                                                                                                                     First of all, people should introduce themselves do not wait another person to do it. After that, they should tell strange person their name.
Well if you didn't have a mental problem before reading this...                              Though the mental tests are very important for people who have mental problem, people who have mental problem are tested by this tests. If people who have mental problem can’t be tested exactly, they can’t be treated for their mental problem.
No comment.                                                                                                                               Furthermore, casino will create many jobs such as dealers, servicers and security employees.
Ah, the quilting life.                                                                                              Some young people seek the dream of big money or good job, and they move to some big city. Some people enjoy quilting life, and they move to villages.
Don't you think it's about time they get a title? Geez.                                               Four months ago the Untitled States government’s got one of the people who adding wrong information in a clear website.
They get tribal? Try reading the papers.                                                                    Most of the student got tribal when they researching for their papers because they do not know if the information in the website is correct or not.
Facebook only for parsons?                                                                                        Fore eyras ago I opened Face Book, and this is for any parson in the world, so I had friend in England from 1 year ago, because I was study there.
Those sneaky parsons                                                                                              Many countries have department to fix the information’s that are not correct and clear, and see the parson who add that wrong information.
Fun with paraphrasing.                                                                                       Original: large-scale prostitution emerged
Paraphrase: extensive prostitution aroused
Where were these websites when I was writing my thesis?                                         For example when student need to do research for any subject look like the internet, they should know well website to get the good information they went, such as Wakabedi, Yoho, and so on. 
Springfield - the place to be for cheap love!                                                                In conclusion people from South America, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Korea, China, Japan, Spain Italy, etc. prefer Springfield to start to study English, and to love in a cheaper way.
Wait. I have a dumb phone. Where is my massage?!                                                 Before smart phone, people use dumb phone which can only get massages and calls.
Many times this semester I wished I'd had a lap for pouting...                                 Also, the schools should have lap for pouting all computers inside.

This is just sad.
For example, when I was in England I play bowling everyday and to mouth. I play with ham sometime. 

These next two explain a lot about several of our students...                                    The second way for make a friend is work.  I had work when I was in my country. I had money friend in my country for example, I knew one friend such as my idea in the work, when the manger need me or he has a lot of work, because I am high my friend in the work. 

Also I went to trip with my friend about work.

The lost advice of Miss Manners:                                                                           Always be happy when gritting someone.

Darn those house stealers. 
 In addition, there are common kinds of crime happen frequently in Saudi Arabia. For instance, houses stealing, murder, kidnapping, teenagers steal cars, and some foreigners stay in the country illegally. 

Something you didn't learn from Law & Order:                                                      There are various crimes such as murder, rape, violence, and outrage. 

And finally, my personal favorite - an interesting solution for the healthcare crisis.       For example when people have tooth decay, the rule can change to limit the dentist to cure three of them, and then if the patient wants to cure more teeth, they have to pay for the treatment themselves.

Which teeth will you choose?  

Thanks to all my co-workers for sharing these. They keep from smashing my head into the computer screen during finals grading time. Happy Break!!  

1 comment:

  1. Would that be three teeth per visit, per year, or per lifetime? And suppose you had only one tooth cured but it became ill again? Would curing it count as a second tooth or would it be under warranty for a period of time?

    That's really something about parsons too. I guess facebook is for those who alter government information.
