Jun 13, 2011

Mashed Potatoes with Caramelized Onions and Garlic

Try not be blown away by the stellar photography. I did not take very many shots so this will have to do.

I love mashed potatoes. Love, love , love. 

I had some Yukon Gold potatoes left from the potato salad so on the day I decide I should start watching what I eat again, I make mashed potatoes. That makes sense right? 

Good, I thought so. 


  • about 10-14 yukon gold potatoes, cut in uniform chunks, skins on
  • 2 onions, sliced thin
  • 4-5 cloves garlic, chopped
  • about 1 cup or so vegetable broth or milk
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • salt 
  • black pepper
Makes about 7-8 servings

Start with the onions since they take awhile. Caramelizing is an exercise in patience. Heat a large skillet and add some olive oil or butter or a mixture and when hot add the onions. Make sure to separate the onion slices before adding to the oil. Sprinkle some salt over the onions and cook over lowish heat for about 30 minutes (this may vary) stirring often. 

Once the onions are started, cover the potatoes with water, add some salt, and bring to a boil. Once boiling, let them cook for about 15 minutes. Drain the water and return to pot. Add some vegetable broth, lots of black pepper, the butter (optional) and more salt. Beat together with an electric mixer until smooth adding more broth is necessary. Taste because you'll probably need more salt. It always takes a lot for potatoes. 

Hopefully the onions will be browning nicely about now. Go ahead and add the garlic and let cook for a few more minutes. Then toss the onions and garlic in with the mashed potatoes. Taste and add more salt or pepper if you desire. 

The onions and the garlic are not overpowering, but they add a little something interesting to regular mashed potatoes.

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